Some people are unaware of the girls’ activity in which we strive for equal rights: GLTR (Girls’ Leadership Training) We recently joined this group to broaden our perspective of women’s rights and the inequalities women face. 这个小组提供了很多信息, 即使是在过去的几周里, 让新巴黎人注册网站能够体验到韦恩弗莱特女孩们的不同视角. 新巴黎人注册网站每个人对新“宪法”及其困难都有自己独特的看法. 在上周的一次会议上,新巴黎人注册网站作为一个小组讨论了如何通过一项法案的过程. 新巴黎人注册网站还不够大,无法理解政治的来龙去脉, 但现在新巴黎人注册网站正在新巴黎人注册网站内部过程. The lengthy process of passing a bill includes left us personally in shock of how much veto power one segment of the government has.

Another way this group has been educational is letting us research independently the inequalities women face. 说新巴黎人注册网站生活在一个完全平等的世界绝对是低估了. 新巴黎人注册网站生活在一个充满偏见和评判的世界. 然而这种情况正在改变. 一点一点,一步一步,新巴黎人注册网站所知道的世界正在改变. The major pay gap of men and latino women is astounding: latino women must work ten months to earn the same amount as white men make in one month. 在对新巴黎人注册网站的一位领导的采访中,新巴黎人注册网站问她这个小组的目的是什么,她回答说, “I believe this group is set up to educate young women on the rights we have and have a support group in order to empower women.”

以下是对小组组长Lydia Maier ' 90(学生生活助理主管)的采访


Waynflete Girls’ Leadership Training (GLTR) formed in 2012 as a powerful positive reaction to the screening on campus of the film Miss Representation. 现在已经是第四年了, the group has become a safe place to identify and discuss obstacles women and girls face as they strive for success in our world. 通过研究新巴黎人注册网站的文化如何继续以男性成功为导向, 该组织致力于克服女性经常接受的自愿退居二线的条件反射. We discuss both national and global current events that affect the condition of women or that highlight persistent inequalities and talk about action steps on both a small and grand scale that will help girls and women not to stop themselves or let anyone else stop them from reaching their full potential. An early vision of GLTR was to strengthen positive relationships between US and MS girls by engaging in a mentoring project designed to build confidence and leadership. 在《新巴黎人注册网站》放映之后, girls from GLTR are excited to host an active discussion with parents and students in the audience about the critical role of education in supporting increased leadership roles for women and girls.  该公司的联合顾问是林赛•卡普兰(Lindsay Kaplan)和莉迪亚•迈尔(Lydia Maier).


It feels really important for this generation of young women to define what feminism means to them and to explore where they feel most strongly about putting their individual and collective energy. It’s a very important time to be talking to other young women about the hurdles that still exist and this particularly charged climate. Where are the places that girls still struggle to get equal consideration and how do they manage to navigate the explicit double standards that still exist everywhere—messages about how girls should just “be themselves” exist but so does pressure to be both “smart and sexy” or “collaborative and independent” at the same time. 大多数人, 女人和男人, 是否比好莱坞狭隘的性别形象更复杂、更多维, 社交媒体和广告.


One main awareness that I hope everyone in the group takes with them to college is that no one has to make it alone in the world. 真正倾听彼此的经历,而不是评判他们,这是一种力量. 新巴黎人注册网站可以互相支持,跨越性别, 社会经济, 文化, 种族, religious and political lines to acknowledge the institutional barriers to equality and still make very meaningful connections on a personal level. The civil rights lawyer Bryan Stevenson says if we want to be in the world to make a difference we have to “get proximate” and be willing to move in closer to people whose experiences are very different from our own. I think GLTR just increases our skills and confidence that being authentically curious about each other will not only help break down perceived barriers but increase empathy and understanding of who we are and how to make society better for everyone, 不仅仅是女性.

I love the way the student leaders invite check-ins from all members about the reality of their week and the stress or successes they are encountering. 他们创造了一种包容的氛围,表明在日常生活的起伏中,没有人是孤独的. Their leadership breaks down any hierarchy about which year is more stressful- seniors show respect for the reality that 9th grade stressors are just as real as the stress of getting into college and that navigating interpersonal or family problems is hard at any age.


我喜欢认为,当我倾听当今年轻女性的经历时,我的观点总是在变化, 和我自己的比较, and continue to get excited about progress even though there are some frustrating inequalities that are changing so slowly (such as equal pay for equal work).


我和很多校友聊过,他们觉得韦恩弗莱特帮助他们找到了自己的声音. 听说有校友在宿舍里当住校辅导员真是太好了, 促进对话, 并支持人们的学术和个人旅程. GLTR has made an effort to do more canvassing for important social and political issues this year and to understand how policy gets made on a local and national level. We all got excited about the fact that the NYT reported unprecedented numbers of women running for office in the current political era. 感觉新巴黎人注册网站可能正在目睹一场巨大的文化转变.


在她的新书中, "勇闯荒野,2016年大选后写的, sociologist and researcher Brene Brown implores us to “move closer in” to one another and to go beyond the boxes of individual identity to experience our common humanity. 说起来容易做起来难, but even at Waynflete you can talk to someone who is a relative stranger to you and ask them how they are really doing. 勇敢一点,问问别人作为男性的感受, 女, 反式, 非二元或任何其他不同于你的身份. 如果新巴黎人注册网站不害怕,新巴黎人注册网站可以互相教导.


就像新巴黎人注册网站的所有活动一样,新巴黎人注册网站一起努力找出什么是重要的. 新巴黎人注册网站正在考虑三月份的妇女历史月能组织些什么活动.


活动将随着领导和他们的兴趣而变化, 但林赛和我已经看到,在低年级女生中,领导力和自信心在不断增强.


I think Lindsay would share the opinion that it’s a great highlight in our week to get to spend time in authentic conversations about what it is like to identify as 女 in this current political and social time in history.

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